Your Blog Posts

Why have I been networking for 20yrs??

The answer would seem obvious; referal business, trusted relationships and education in all areas. But why exactly has that been the result?

Don't miss the next Business Club Meeting!!

Dexter Moscow specialises in coaching teams and individuals to achieve
communication excellence utilizing a unique blend of humour and
practical interaction.

Lead generation through Business Networking

Is lead generation a daunting, expensive and massive task?
Is the only route to create profitable lead generation through an expensive marketing campaign?

Increase your sales conversion rates by Chris Billington-Hughes

Getting leads and enquiries costs time, money and effort … yet many businesses don’t have the systems and processes in place to maximise the chance of converting them into business. Come and find out how!

New Business Club Member produces monthly newswire

Sign up to Ripe Accountants monthly newswire for up to date financial information which will keep you in the know and help you manage your business!

Planning for success

19 February 2010 09:18

A FREE seminar to help business owners revisit and re evaluate what they are doing, where they are going and how they might improve growth and performance through testing and measuring.

Think outside the box and WIN WIN!!

Think outside the box and gain new members for your BNI chapter!

What networking organisation.....?

What networking organisation will regularly give you 10-15 NEW faces to meet and network with at every meeting!??

Say it Loud!!

29 January 2010 14:23

Strategic marketing to attract sponsors for charity projects.

Social Media for Business??

25 January 2010 20:01

Does Twitter have any uses for Business? Is Twitter just a social thing? Can Twitter actually help you to drive more website traffic, and more revenue for your business? This talk by Mark Shaw will cover exactly why your business should be on Twitter...